Nougat Museum

The Arnaud Soubeyran House
Above all a nougat and confectionery factory, it is also a place of exchange through its Nougat Museum, its Store and its Restaurant – Tea Room.
Very attached to the choice of its raw materials, the House has continued its artisanal manufacture in a bain-marie, in copper cauldrons, since 1837.

The Nougat Museum: temple of gluttony!
Installed within the Factory itself, the wandering is done to the rhythm of the workshops and kitchens in activity.
We discover the world of Montélimar nougat, supported by the work of many artists, photographers, painters and model makers. The wandering is playful, poetic: with a didactic children’s trail and a lively and sound hive. Atypical and unusual!
A space is dedicated to tasting, to awaken the taste buds by savoring a soft nougat from Montélimar, a black nougat from Provence and a calisson.
An opportunity to learn, have fun and taste!

The Store: real Ali Baba’s cave, a thousand and one nougats!
It offers a wide range of confectionery made on site, by hand: nougats, calissons, coated, marshmallows, caramels, cookies… hard to resist!

Les Carolines: restaurant and tea room
Located in the heart of the Factory, an unusual place with an unclassifiable decor, the lunchtime restaurant and the tea room allow you to prolong your visit, with fresh, local and homemade products.

Open Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Annual closing on December 25 and January 1.

From Monday to Friday :
Catering from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Tea room from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Holidays inquire on the website.

22, Avenue de Gournier, 26200 Montélimar
04 75 51 01 35 


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