How many species are there at La Ferme aux Crocodiles?

In the Tropical Reserve, there are more than 600 animals of various different species. We have 12 of the world’s 23 crocodilian species, XX snake species, XX tortoise and turtle species, XX bird species, XX lizard species and XX fish species. And that’s not forgetting 600 species and varieties of exotic plants.

What’s the temperature in the Tropical Reserve?

It’s between 25 and 30 degrees in the Tropical Reserve. The temperature needs to be this high to ensure the well-being of our animals and plants.
We recommend dressing in lightweight clothing and bringing something to drink.

Is the park accessible for buggies and wheelchairs?

The park is accessible for buggies and wheelchairs.

How long does it take to visit?

We recommend allowing 2 to 2.5 hours for your visit, especially if you are visiting with children. Interactive facilities are available to help you to learn about the world of reptiles. You can also attend various events and activities which are held throughout the day. Have a look at our activity programme on our website or on site.

Why aren’t the crocodiles moving?

It may look like they’re not doing anything but the crocodiles are digesting or regulating their temperature. These creatures need 3 to 5 days to digest their food. They use their environment to regulate their temperature which is why they often have their mouths open. Take the time to have watch them, our staff are here to help! You can also attend our “Introduction to Crocodiles” sessions to find out everything there is to know.

When are the crocodiles fed?

In the wild, crocodiles only eat when they need to, rather than eating every day. That’s why they can spend days, weeks or even months without eating. At La Ferme aux Crocodiles, we respect their natural rhythm by feeding them once or twice a week, depending on the season, and by ensuring a period of fasting during the winter months.

How many crocodiles are born every year at La Ferme aux Crocodiles?

We regulate births, depending on the needs of the Tropical Reserve and other parks. Although XX eggs are laid here every year, only some of them hatch to ensure that new arrivals can be looked after here at La Ferme aux Crocodiles or in other wildlife parks.

Is the visitor trail enclosed?

The visitor trail is entirely enclosed. An outdoor area can be accessed from April to September. Animals can access outdoor enclosures: they come outside when the weather starts to warm up and they go back indoors when the heat becomes too much.

Is La Ferme aux Crocodiles open all year?

We’re open all year, 7 days a week, including Sundays and bank holidays. We close the site to the public for two weeks in January. Precise date in the tab “Prepare your visit”, “Timetables & Access & Services”.

Are pets allowed at La Ferme aux Crocodiles?

Pets are not allowed in the Tropical Reserve but we can provide accommodation boxes for them. There are only 3 boxes and we cannot take any bookings for them. Just ask at the reception. We will give you a padlock upon presentation of ID.

Is there a picnic area?

At La Ferme aux Crocodiles, there’s a covered outdoor picnic area which is sheltered from the wind. Picnics are not allowed in the Tropical Reserve. You’ll need to leave your picnic in your car; your hand will be stamped so that you can enter and leave the hothouse whenever you want.